Social media for professionals

Using social media gives clients the opportunity to learn who you are and how your business operates. It is an extremely cost-effective form of marketing and let’s you distribute your voice to a broad audience while using a relatively small amount of time. Although you may feel at first that there isn’t a place online for your industry, you’ll be surprised to learn that you can find almost every type of company online. From lawyers to accountants, everyone is online and you should be too. Read below for Guaranteed SEO’s tips on social media for professionals. Tip #1: Follow the competition: Want to see what the opposition is doing? It’s as easy as following them. Some competitors even engage with each other, but you can always be a silent observer if you’re more comfortable with that. Remember to also follow thought leaders within your industry. This is a great way to gain new ideas and you can even ask for advice.   Tip #2: Join LinkedIn Groups: LinkedIn is the chosen social media platform for many professionals and a great way to interact with those that have similar interests. vancouver social mediaThere are currently over a million groups and you can join discussions, build long-lasting relationships, recommend and receive customers and more. Check out this article for more info. Tip #3: Help people: This is a great way to find new business and establish yourself as an expert within your industry. A good idea is to search for keywords or hashtags in Twitter like #accounting or #realestate. You can also set up a blog and post articles relating to your industry that people might need help with or are interested in. This will boost your visibility and your reputation. Tip #4: Professionalism: Everything you say or do online reflects you and your company. Be friendly, but professional at all times. Never get in a public disagreement with a customer because on the internet everyone can see everything and things never fully disappear. Tip #5: Add previous clients: Interact with previous customers and you’ll create long term relationships as well as increasing the chances of them becoming repeat customers. They may also publicly speak about how they appreciated your service and draw other customers to you. Tip #6: Stay interesting: Depending on your industry it can be difficult to know what to talk about. Many company profiles resort to continuously posting facts about their business, but this can be seen as spamming and severely limits your potential followers or likes. Instead engage people, talk to other businesses, offer special deals and use other ideas we posted in this previous article. Tip#7: Take the conversation offline: Social media is great for making connections, but nothing beats meeting face to face. Ask potential clients to meet up with you or if this isn’t possible speak to them over Skype. Seeing each other face to face allows you to build stronger connections and you’ll have more chance of converting online associations into real life business. Tip #8: Be realistic: Social media is a marathon not a race, and it can take years before you see some tangible results from your online marketing efforts. But with just a few minutes each day and the right attitude; you’ll eventually establish a reputation for yourself.

Need someone to manage your social media? Contact Guaranteed SEO

We have worked with hundreds of professionals in many different industries and we understand that your online image is as important as your offline one. Our team can handle all of your internet marketing needs and we know exactly what it takes to get noticed. View our previous testimonials and contact us to see what a difference Guaranteed SEO can make.