Digital Marketing Specialist 7 Years at GSEO
Bonjour! My name is Baptiste (the p is silent), and as you probably guessed, I am French. I grew up in the South of France, Montpellier, where I also completed a double Bachelor’s degree from Montpellier Business School and La Trobe University in Australia. Attracted by global experiences, I decided to pursue a Master in Global Business, which allowed me to study in Seoul, South Korea and Victoria, Canada. This is where I fell in love with Canada and decided to start my career in Vancouver!
I am very happy to have found a company, as great as Guaranteed SEO, who possesses a team that has allowed me to strengthen and challenge my digital marketing skills and interests. The SEO world is huge and growing; therefore, it is important nowadays to be a part of the movement!
I love traveling and exploring new and familiar places, and let us be honest, the Vancouver area is the epicenter of adventure! I like to stay active by playing handball and tennis, and I also have a little piece of France ingrained in me because I love eating cheese and tasting wine.