
Digital Marketing Specialist 5 Years at GSEO

Guaranteed seo team valeriya
English, Russian
University of British Columbia

Let’s Start…

My name is Valeriya and I am Korean born and raised in the Far East of Russia living in Canada. I moved to Vancouver around 7 years ago to study at UBC, and that’s how it all started… Very soon I realized that this city is the perfect place that I can call a “second home” because it has it all: picturesque nature + urban vibes, diverse culture, awesome people, and opportunities to grow 🙂

My Guaranteed SEO Adventure…

I was lucky to find my first full-time job at Guaranteed SEO after graduating in 2020 during COVID! Thanks to our great team, I’ve improved my skills and learned a lot more about SEO and Digital Marketing in general.

When I Am Not in The Office…

…I enjoy sketching both on paper and on my tablet.

I also love re-watching my favourite anime series when I have time. On the weekends, you can find me eating brunch, spending time outside, and browsing local shops.



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