The beginner’s guide to writing a blog

Having a blog on your website is an excellent way to interact with your audience and gain new fans. By publishing quality articles you can share your knowledge and impress customers by proving that you know your industry. A blog creates a relationship between you and the reader, they will remain more loyal to your company because they appreciate your content. Search engines also love blogs and the more posts you publish the higher Google will rank your website. However, there are thousands of blogs already online with large fan-bases and you may be facing intense competition. Luckily, Guaranteed SEO has some helpful tips to get you started.

Blog writing tips from Guaranteed SEO

Be patient – It can take years to generate an established audience and it requires consistent effort to maintain a blog. Only the extremely lucky writers have content that goes viral overnight. Set yourself a few goals and keep your expectations realistic. Reassess these goals every few months and your blog visits will gradually grow. The main point to remember is to always write quality content. The more helpful, interesting or funny it is, the higher chance of a reader liking it and sharing it with other people. Be consistent – Have you ever heard the phrase – “slow and steady wins the race”? This is especially true for writing a blog. You need to frequently publish content so your audience remains loyal and knows there is always something new to read. If you have a small team of writers stick to publishing an article once a week or every few days. This will mean you won’t get burnt out after writing 10 articles in a week and feel the need to take a month break. Visitors might not have time to check your website every day, but if you set a consistent schedule they know they can visit once a week and there will always be something new to read. Write what you know – Stick to your niche and you may eventually become known as an authority in that field. Think about what separates you from other businesses and what your audience wants to read about. It’s simple. If you’re a zoo, people aren’t visiting your blog to read about what laundry detergent you recommend, are they? Use analytics just like your favorite Vancouver SEO company, Guaranteed SEO– Keep track of your audience through programs such as Google Analytics and measure statistics including how many people have viewed your website. These will help you gain insight into what your readers are interested in and allow you to adapt your writing accordingly. How long do people spend reading your blog? If users are only looking at your posts for a matter of seconds maybe they haven’t found what they wanted or maybe they didn’t think your content was interesting. What are they searching for when they encounter your website? Look at the keywords people use and if they are relevant you can incorporate them into your posts to attract more readers looking for the same thing. Be keyword friendly – You don’t have to be an SEO expert to put a few phrases in your blog posts. Think about what keywords people would use to find your company in a search engine. Blogging services like WordPress have simple tools to get you started. As stated earlier, you can also use analytics to find what phrases people type when they encounter your website. Check out our previous blog post on keywords for more information on getting started. If you really want to make the most of your keywords and see the vast difference this can make on your traffic, contact an experienced Vancouver SEO company like us! Be visual or interactive– People love visual or interactive content a lot more than they enjoy reading multiple pages of text. Frequently use pictures, video or audio to entertain your audience and you will reap the benefits. Unique content will drive more traffic to your website and encourage more people to share your material.

Need further help?  Guaranteed SEO are blogging experts

Our professional team of writers can update your blog with excellent articles and make sure they are fully optimized for search engine traffic. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, we have supplied blog design and written articles for hundreds of websites ranging from hotels to insect repellent suppliers. View our previous testimonials and experience what separates Guaranteed SEO from the competition. Your audience awaits, so the next step is to contact us and take your website to the next level.